Why we write @ in email and what story about this coding ?

Perhaps you use this code on a daily basis but do you ever wondered why we left no coding @ in email or by logging on when you send e-mail ?

Well in this post'll give about the story and why this coding is used to this day! . The whole story began when he succeeded all of Ray Tomlinson and Beranek and Newman in sending the first email in 1971. But the problem is that Sadfthma is that e-mail was who did not get but one user on one computer so if he wanted Ray Tomlinson sent several e-mails to multiple users at the computer one so that each user reach its mission solo for the rest of his colleagues, and that was not possible, but it requires it to be available each user on the computer of his own, which he can not be available at that time, but after that felt by the inventor of the idea of ​​coded e-mail from which differentiates between the sender's address in the name of the user who wants to convey to him the message that there is a computer and the e-mail program. As the inventors Think he must have this codec is not used in the name.

Thus found Aenahm to encode @ in the keyboard and came to be are used, in order to differentiate between the user name as well as the computer, which resides upon the program of e-mail, and has already managed to send email and one to several users on the same computer so that each name is received Emile solo for the rest of his colleagues even though they are on the same computer .

  And to the limits of time left this codec is that distinguishes between user name and address as well as the Computer [nickname @ host] which it resides e-mail program.

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