What is Open Source Software ?

We often heared about the programs open source Open-Source Soft for much deeper in this subject should read some books that talk about in detail, but in this article I try to explain that a little bit of this concept for the Arab rounded to the user.

Open source software programs are relevant Code Source or the source code is open and free, where anyone can take the original copy and modifies them whatever Haelaket makes its own version of the program.
Users can also open source software that used for any purpose, without restrictions or fees, and that trumps them all what he wants.

As an example of these programs, we find: Ubuntu Linux where it can be downloaded for free from the official website and the establishment of a large number of copies to your friends as you can enthroned in an unlimited number of computers. And thus can be downloaded to your source code and modify Ubuntu and making your own copy.

Unlike open source software, are closed source software (Closed-Source Software), which has a license and shut down its own source code and keep him out of users.
Firefox, Krouom, Android of the best examples of open source software, and is regarded as the default Windows caption and Office of months Amoelloukh source software.

Of the benefits of open source software it first often free. And secondly it's more flexible in use and as an example, we find, for example, in Aleuendwoz 8 new interface Metro is what distinguishes this version, but there are some users who Oahbu and the default Windows caption 8 but they did not crawl this interface and the program that folds must be closed source can not Nakhadd code source for the interface Aleuendwoz 7 and addressed to Oandwoz suitable for 8 and even tried one that will find it very difficult to do so. On the contrary, we find, for example, in the ubuntu if released a new version has not lived up fronted for users such as the issuance ubuntu gnome 3 where taking Almstkhadddhun source code for the interface Gnome 2 and Adloha to become compatible with the new version.

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