Find out the Lifetime of your computer .

Computer counting device that it indispensable in the home, there are those used for entertainment, and there are those who used to work, and there are those who combine the two. If the computer is a blending between the hardware and the software for the latter period of life, duration of life has meant not only the computer crashes cut hardware, but also when the computer is not able to run the new operating systems and software / games.

For example, companies programmed for programs in each version may add new features and other functions of the program calls with technical specifications especially to run, as is the case as well as for electronic games in each new version requires settings and specifications of a new computer this specification if were not present, computer becomes unable to keep up with this development Kmthela when we say that the Pentium 4 computers is now able to run Windows 7 or Windows 8, these computers have expired old must change.

Microsoft company says in a publication about the life cycle of a computer. The life cycle of a computer is defined in 4 years and this means that when you buy a new computer for the virtual life be 4 years then you will find problems running some programs / games ...

As the duration of the life of a computer is not a hostage only Balsovrudolf but also hardware, for example, the battery in the laptop computers they also have a life span has lengthened or shortened depending on how you use him, but on the whole, the battery life expires completely after two years or four years at the latest estimate by using computer, Mac and reverse battery, which can last 5 years.

The hard disk has up his tenure to more than 4 years if the work 24/24 7/7 Aimam given an overall duration of life for a disk drive. The long-term or shorten depending on how the user to deal with the computer and how it is managed. As for RAM, it remains hostage to the extent of the evolution of software and operating systems where you might end up when she becomes a chore and you change one larger capacity and greater frequency speed when they become operating systems, programs and games require you to do so.

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