Computer Timeline

The 20th century was almost in its fourth decade before the first electronic computer along, history of computer and the first machines were capable of mastodons most basic tasks computer timeline. Today, "handhelds" are used for processing texts and small storage history of computer.

delivery of documents and images, inventory management,computer timeline and remote access workers at headquarters. computer timeline Programmable electronic devices of all kinds have come to permeate modern society to the point that future generations can also describe the 20th century as the age of the computer timeline.

     1936 "A symbolic analysis computer history timeline of relay and circuit switching"

The electrical computer timeline engineer and mathematician Claude Shannon in his master's thesis, "A symbolic analysis of relay switching circuits and" uses Boolean algebra to establish a working model for digital circuits computer timeline. This document, as well as research later by Shannon, paving the way for future industries of telecommunications and informatics computer timeline.

     Atanasoff-Berry Computer in 1939,computer history timeline the first electronic computer

John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry at Iowa State College design the first electronic computer. The Dark Project, called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC), integrates binary arithmetic and electronic switching. Before the team has improved computer timeline, Atanasoff was recruited by the Naval Ordnance Laboratory and never returns to its research and development computer timeline. However, in the summer of 1941, at the invitation of Atanasoff, computer pioneer John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania, computer timeline visited Atanasoff in Iowa and see ABC showed.

     1939 First binary digital computer timeline are developed

The first binary digital computer timeline are developed. George Stibitz of Bell Labs develops the Complex Number Calculator, which performs mathematical operations on binary form using relays on and off,computer timeline and is the quotient of two 8-digit numbers in 30 seconds. In Germany, Konrad Zuse developed the first programmable calculator, Z2,computer timeline using binary numbers and Boolean algebra-programmed with punched tape.

     Premier Logic 1943 vacuum tube programmable calculator

Colossus, the first programmable computer timeline vacuum tube logic in the world, is built in Britain in order to break Nazi codes computer timeline. On average, a colossus in two hours decipher coded messages.

     1945 Specifications a stored-program computer timeline

Two mathematicians, Alan Turing British and Hungarian John von Neumann, who work independently on the specifications of a stored program computer timeline. Von Neumann wrote a document that describes a set of data and computer programs can be stored. computer timeline Turing published a paper on an Automatic Computing Engine, based on the principles of speed and memory.

     1946 The first electronic computer operated

The first electronic computer was developed in service at the end of the Second World War by John Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Moore School of Electrical Engineering Pennsylvania computer timeline. Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) used for electronic ballistic calculations, weighs 30 tons and includes 18,000 vacuum tubes, 6,000 and 1,500 relay switches computer timeline.

     1947 Invention of the transistor

John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain and William Shockley B. Bell Telephone Laboratories invented the transistor computer timeline.

     First registered in 1949 it calculation program is built

The storage period of the automatic electronic calculator (EDSAC), computer timeline the first stored program computer timeline is built and programmed by mathematician British engineer Maurice Wilkes.

     1951 The first computer designed for companies in the United States

Eckert and Mauchly, computer timeline now with his own company (later sold to Remington Rand), designing UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)-the first computer companies in the United States. Her breakthrough feature: the magnetic tape storage to replace punch cards computer timeline.

First developed by the Census Bureau to assist in the collection of census data, UNIVAC spend a very public test for correctly predicting computer timeline the victory of Dwight Eisenhower over Adlai Stevenson in the 1952 presidential race, but a few months before UNIVAC is completed, computer timeline the British firm J. Lyons & Company introduces the first commercial computer, the LEO (Lyons Electronic Office), finally the weekly pay of the company is calculated.

     1952 First computer compiler

With Murray Hopper, computer timeline a senior at Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation mathematician and computer programmer Mark I at Harvard, he developed the first computer compiler, a program that translates English computer instructions into machine timeline Later Flow-Matic, computer timeline the first programming language to use English words and key influence for COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was created.

computer timeline Reach the rank of admiral against a career in the Navy that brackets her work at Harvard and Eckert-Mauchly, Hopper eventually becomes the driving force of many automated programming technologies forefront.
New technology, brings you much convenience no matter in office or at home computer history timeline.

     1955 First record of random access data storage

IBM engineers led by Reynold Johnson Design first unit to store data for random access, providing a greater surface area for the previous magnetization and storage casks computer timeline.

In later causes a "boundary layer" of air protection between the head and the disk surface is provided on the rotary disc itself. computer timeline The disk storage unit Model 305, later called the random access method of accounting and control, computer timeline was launched in 1956 with a stack of fifty aluminum disks 24 inches 5,000,000 bytes to store data.

Pros: excellent unit for the value of money. works great after the installation computer history timeline.

     1957 FORTRAN is commercially available

FORTRAN (Formula translation),computer history timeline a programming language developed by an IBM team led by senior John Backus, computer timeline became commercially available. Fortran is a way of expressing scientific and mathematical calculations with a language similar to the mathematics programming computer timeline .

No need to give it to professional to install this unit. You can remove the back cover of your phone and install computer history timeline the unit yourself.

Backus and his team say the FORTRAN compiler produce code as efficient as any product by a human programmer machine computer timeline. Other programming languages ​​quickly follow, including ALGOL, designed as a universal computer language, computer timeline in 1958 and 1959 ALGOL COBOL has a profound impact on future languages ​​like Simula (the first language of object-oriented programming), computer timeline Pascal and C / C ++.

FORTRAN is the standard language for scientific computing applications, computer history timeline and COBOL was developed by the United States government to normalize commercial application timeline Both dominate the world of a programming language for the next two decades.

works perfectly computer history timeline fine and charges at same speed as my wall charging adaptor.

     1958 integrated circuit invented

Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor independently invented the integrated circuit computer timeline . (See Electronics.)

became commercially available. Fortran is a way of expressing scientific and mathematical calculations with a language similar to computer history timeline.

     1960 Digital Equipment Corporation introduced the PDP-1 computer history timeline "compact"

Digital Equipment Corporation introduced the PDP-1 "compact" market for science and engineering. computer timeline It excluding software or devices, the system costs $ 125,000 is in a corner of a room, computer history timeline and does not require air history timeline Operated by a person who has a CRT and a stylus computer timeline. In 1962, an MIT PDP-1 was the first computer to run a video game when Steve Russell programs play "Spacewar". computer timeline The PDP-8, released five years later, is the first fully computer to use integrated circuits.

Wireless Charger Charging Receiver Module for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 III N9000 EPACG-291066 computer history timeline.

     1964 BASIC

Dartmouth professors John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz develop (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) BASIC programming language specifically for the new exchange system time school computer timeline. Designed for students in non-computer science, it is easier to use than FORTRAN. Other schools and universities adopt and computer manufacturers begin to provide translators BASE with their systems computer history timeline .

     1968 Computer Mouse made ​​his first public appearance

The computer history timeline mouse made ​​its first public appearance at an event in a computer conference in San Francisco. computer timeline Its inventor, Douglas Engelbart of the Stanford Research Institute, also shows other personal technologies such as hypermedia linking and routing computer timeline. Engelbart received a patent for the mouse two years later.

Designed for students in non-computer science, it is easier to use than FORTRAN computer history timeline.

     1970 Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)

Xerox Corporation has a team of researchers from the Information and Physical Sciences in Palo Alto, California, computer timeline in order to create "the architecture of information." In the next 30 years emerging innovations Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) understand the concept of windows (1972), the first true personal computer (Alto, 1973), laser printers (1973), the concept of WYSIWYG (What You See is what you get) word processor (1974), and EtherNet (1974). computer timeline In 2002, Xerox PARC integrates Research Center Palo Alto independent company, Inc.

     1975 First computer at home is marketed to fans

The Altair 8800, considered the first computer in the home is sold to Micro Instrumentation Telemetry fans Systems. The self-build kit does not have a keyboard, monitor, or your own programming language;computer timeline data are fed to a series of switches and lights. But Intel has a microprocessor and costs less than $ 400 Seizing the opportunity, computer timeline budding entrepreneurs Bill Gates and Paul Allen proposed to write a version of BASIC for the new team. Begin the project by forming a partnership called Microsoft.

30 years emerging innovations Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) understand the concept of windows (1972), the first true personal computer (Alto, 1973), laser printers (1973), the concept of WYSIWYG (What You See is what you get) word processor (1974) computer history timeline.

     1977 Apple II is released

Apple Computer, founded by electronics hobbyists Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak launched Apple II personal computer for the mass market that has a keyboard, video monitor, mouse, and random access memory (RAM) which can be extended user computer timeline. Independent software vendors are beginning to develop applications for it computer history timeline.

     1979 First laptop is designed

What is believed to be the first laptop is designed by William Moggridge of Grid Systems Corporation in England. The Grid Compass 1109 has 340 kilobytes of bubble memory and a folding electroluminescent display screen in a magnesium enclosure. computer history timeline Used by NASA in the 1980s for its shuttle program, the "laptop" is patented by the gate in 1982.

     1979 First successful commercial application in trade

Harvard MBA student Daniel Bricklin and Bob Frankston VisiCalc spreadsheet developer for the Apple II, a program that helps drive sales of personal computers and became their first successful commercial application in the market launch. computer timeline Has the VisiCalc spreadsheet market for nearly a decade before being eclipsed by Lotus 1-2-3, a spreadsheet designed by a former employee of VisiCalc.

     Published in 1981 IBM Personal Computer

IBM launches the IBM PC with an Intel 8088 microprocessor and computer history timeline. the MS-DOS operating system processor designed by Microsoft. Fully equipped with 64 kilobytes of memory and a floppy drive computer timeline , which costs less than $ 3,000.

first public appearance at an event in a computer conference in San Francisco computer history timeline.

     Macintosh was introduced in 1984

Apple launched the Macintosh personal computer at low cost, plug-and-play, the central processor can hold on to a single circuit computer timeline . Although it does not offer enough power for business applications is easy to use graphical user interface, is the love of education and publication.

Fully equipped with 64 kilobytes of memory and computer history timeline.

     Introduced 1984 CD

Philips and Sony are working together to present the CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read Only Memory), patented in 1970 by James T. Russell. With the advent of the CD, storage and retrieval of optical magnetic travels. The CD can store more than 300,000 pages worth of information on the capacity of 450 discs which means it can contain digital text, video, audio files and disks. computer timeline Progress on the 1990 allows users to not only play prerecorded CDs, but also to download and write and save information in their own records.

the handheld a leap forward with the Palm VII connected organizer that combines a computer with 2 MB of RAM and a port for a wireless phone computer history timeline.

     Windows 1.0 was released in 1985

Microsoft launches Windows 1.0, the operating system software that has a graphical user interface and Macintosh (GUI) with drop-down menus, windows, and mouse support computer timeline. Because the program runs slowly on computers available, most users stick to MS-DOS. The most powerful microprocessors, computer history timeline since the late 1980s make Windows 3.0 and Windows tries-95-during the next hit.

Programmable electronic devices of all sorts have come to pervade modern society to such a degree computer history timeline.

     1991 World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is accessible to the general public computer history timeline (see Internet).

     1992 PDA

Currencies Apple CEO John Sculley, the term "personal digital assistant" to refer to the handhelds. One of the first in the market is the Apple Newton, which has a LCD screen that works with a history timeline The most successful Palm Pilot is released by 3Com in 1996.

operation is developed late in World War II by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania’s Moore School of Electrical Engineering computer history timeline.

     1999 Palm VII connected organizer

In response to a more mobile work force, the handheld a leap forward with the Palm VII connected organizer that combines a computer with 2 MB of RAM and a port for a wireless phone. At under $ 600, the unit weighs 6.7 ounces and will last up to 3 weeks with two AAA batteries. computer timeline Later versions offer 8 MB ​​RAM, Internet connectivity computer history timeline, and a color display for less than $ 500.

the first stored-program computer, is built and programmed by British mathematical engineer Maurice Wilkes computer history timeline.

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