How to choose a better coordination of  the hard disk

Often my friends ask about the difference between formic B. NTFS, FAT32 and FAT, exFAT, and when I start in the commentary discovered that it is not difficult to choose between the formats, the choice simply depends on the capacity or USB Hard disk and also to use, for example, formic who Ststamlh in USB 8GB is not the same as that in Ststamlh Hard Disk 1T.
In this post I will explain each format and explain the pros and cons of each format, and when the end of reading this post will be able to differentiate between formats without any effort.

Let's start in the commentary, when you right-click on the USB shows several options put pressure on FORMAT, then this show the window :

We will find the format for any USB - and when I say it, I mean USB Hard Disk also - the default is FAT, can click on them to see all the options available to a FAT, FAT32, NTFS and ex FAT.

Most people find the default choice is to use it for FAT whereupon threw and there is a good reason and good coordination to put the FAT as the default format, and before embarking on the explanation why I will explain simple options available in both USB:
* If you are trying to do the work of formate to the internal Hard Disk capacity of less than 32GB will see three choices NTFS-and FAT32-and FAT.
* If you are trying to do the work of formate to the internal Hard Disk capacity of more than 32GB will see a choice of one, that is NTFS.
* If you are trying to do the work of formate to Hard Disk -USB - external capacity of less than 32GB will see all the choices available.
* If you are trying to do the work of formate to Hard Disk -USB - external capacity of more than 32GB will see two choices and two NTFS f exFAT.

  Now you know the choices available for each case and here unfolding of the little things, let Alan explain the properties of each format separately:

FAT: It is the default choice for all internal and external devices, which by default because it works with all types of files and all the regulations and can be used in any of the non-computer and read all your files without any problem.
If you use several systems and move them much FAT This coordination is best for you, and also this format does not take much space to organize files, cons of this format is that it can not carry a file if the capacity is greater than 4GB.

FAT32: This format is actually stronger and prefer to lose your files on Flash Drives FAT32 does not lose them to the FAT, FAT32, because you can retrieve your files. It can use this format to 2TB, but the Windows system prevents that, in contrast, there are tools to work formate FAT32 on Windows Hard Disk capacity of more than 32GB.

NTFS: How long can you use this format? Quite simply when you want to work formate for Hard Disk capacity of more than 32GB so you do not have you choices only NTFS or exFAT, and used this format in Hard Disk Internal much in creating formic to install Windows because it ensures more protection and organizing files can be retrieved when needed faster.

ExFAT: which is the best option to work for-formate your USB. What good in this format? In itself is a collection of formats between FAT and NTFS (f) combines Aijayatema together.
Among the dozens of existing systems, this coordination and accept mostly used in the system is installed LINUX and speed and all the features that make it be better for me to coordinate.

Finish with a summary Tduente minutes, and I hope that you know Valley is OK in the comments below:

* Anything smaller than 32GB, which does not need protection or whatever you use FAT or FAT32 to work formate him my advice do FAT32 It's quick and do not use a large area.
* Anything larger than 32GB, which Ststamlh among other PC-and MAC systems you use exFAT for work formate.
* Anything larger than 32GB and you want to use in other systems do formate using NTFS.

Tell us in the comments below what you used to work formate and why you are using that format.

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