Find out 7 other operating systems, that you can try Except (Windows, Linux and Mac)

You can not talk about alternative systems without mention of Linux and of course Linux distributions, such as the most famous (ubuntu or mint), and everyone knows it has many users of open-source enthusiasts, but on the whole we will look for other alternative systems may not have heard of before.
You can try it and taken it through the idea of ​​them installed on your imaginary depending on programs such as VirtualBox or VMware.


SteamOS is currently in the pilot phase. It is just a distribution of Linux and includes a lot of Linux software routine but began to deviate from this framework to be a stand-alone operating system.
SteamOS is being developed in order to be a new operating system dedicated to computer games comes with a graphical interface is very powerful.
In 2015, will be the launch of the computers that come with SteamOS preinstalled, known as hardware Steam had been read before the establishment of the Alienware plans to release console her new this system, in addition to many of the leading companies in the field of manufacturing of gaming devices as iBuyPower, Falcon Northwest, Gigabyte and will look to cut off these devices Kconsol hardware too strong to be more of a personal computer.
You can download a trial version from here.


System open source and free derivative of Unix system just like Linux system, but more closely related to Unix, Linux, compared with that look completely different from Unix, but both used the graphical interface X-Windows.
System occupies most of the programs Linux, where you will not find a big difference between him and the Linux From this perspective has become his users much lately as unique with some features that are not available in Linux and is considered one of the most powerful systems ever to run servers (servers) It is also very good for computers office.

Chrome OS

Google project that I consider unhelpful is a Chrome OS based on the Linux kernel, comes with a desktop or a custom interface software to run Google Chrome Kmtcefh and applications through a Chromebook.
However, there are ways to install Chrome OS on the computer before embarking on buying a Chromebook by downloading this version that allows you the possibility of experimenting with the system and taken it a preconceived idea about it.


Was the brainchild of "John Lowe, Casey" in 1990, which created the first nucleus of the system from scratch, has been head of Apple France wearer where he faced many of the problems of corporate competition Kmaikarosowic that were pressuring manufacturers not to the support system BeOS has mandated that 23.5 million dollars due to the call for judicial filed by Be. Has been a recent revival of this system under the name Haiku is a system open source has been developed depending on the system BeOS you can download it and try it because it contains a set of features and is advised by a lot of old equipment.


ReactOS is an open source system, based primarily on Windows NT (built modern versions of the Windows operating system on Windows NT operating system since Windows XP.). In other words, it's an attempt to re-engineer Windows as the operating system is open source and the system can run software applications and the Windows operating system also supports drivers produced for the Windows operating system.
ReactOS plan stipulates that the future is to strengthen networks TCP / IP as well as full support for the USB, and the development of the current user interface (GUI) as well as add support for multimedia and programming language Java and languages​​. NET.


The back of this system in 1996 by Robert Szeleney where open source was then that he turned into a closed source system. Development on SkyOS ended in 2009, but was released the last beta version available as a free download in 2013.
The SkyOS future good option for those who do not wish to use proprietary operating systems or other open source.
This system supports many features such as multiple processors, virtual memory, memory protection, multiple operations. SkyOS system is based on a graphical interface (GUI) called SkyGI.


Is an open source operating system forked from AtheOS, which was supposed to be based on a system of AmigaOS.
It is a lightweight operating system such as the Amiga and me, but it was created with many parts of the GNU Linux project.
But the system has a small number of developers and unfortunately recommended for antique devices

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