How to become a professional Programmer

To become a professional programmer, in any field, it can not only come in the midst of the availability of several conditions, and Kalmbermjh To be proficient in the language or some languages​​, it requires that there are many conditions of programmer, the subject of today's episode I wanted to answer a question which has long been repeated in live broadcast which is how I can become a professional programmer? .
How to become a professional programmer  ?

° Love programming :

Of the basic conditions necessary to become a professional programmer is the love of programming, programmer field last Love and tendencies is what creates you a professional person, so it's before everything must have a tendency to study programming languages ​​in order to be able to actually continue in the study and be able to them, but and must be before Tstirk of goals behind the study of programming and not vice versa, programmer because if you would like to study programming just because the job market requires some programming languages ​​Vsedkna Thtervha never will!

° Time:

Of the basic factors that make you a professional programmer is the time! Flaimkn to become a professional in a programming language specific only in 3 or 6 months, for example, to begin the first steps in the professionalism C language must Ttjoaz two years of study and deal with this language and not in two months or four months or even a year so that you can repeat that launches yourself a professional programmer title in programming as do some of the Brotherhood programmer, in his autobiography, where he finds Athagn 10 programming languages ​​in the two years of study, in fact, is to Aathagn not one of them, for the professionalism he have the time and a long time too.

° The algorithm Algorithm:

Of the things that you should interest in the career school of programming languages ​​are Alegareetm and Data structures because it is necessary in order to become capable of solving the problems software, programmer also enables you to algorithm Algorithm must be through understanding, not conservation, because conservation does not make you a programmer professional , Valmbermj is a professional who understands nor saves, so I advise you to some books that will help you inevitably wishes for your abilities in a Allegareetmk: Introduction to Algorithm The Art of Programming Data Structures in C and C ++.

° Participation in competitions Software:

Theoretical side is not everything, as that those problems code that is found in the books of learning programming is not Bafilal problems existing code in the field, this participation in competitions software helps you cope with the solution to the problems of programmer software is more complex, of course, in the competitive atmosphere between you and the members of the various states, this Check some sites such as for francophone and, for English speakers

Participate in the development of some free software and analyze the source codes
As is the case for participation in competitions to participate in the development of some of the free software that helps you improve your abilities already on the program, as well as improve the way Ecuadk writing software, as well as to learn more from the source code and source code written way

These are some tips for beginners that wish already be of great benefit, as you can ask any questions about the subject in the comments, I would be happy to answer it.

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