The Wonderful World Of Prezi Presentation Design

By Daphne Bowen

Prezi is a powerful web based presentation tool. The particular prezi presentation design you choose to implement will determine the response you get from the audience. In general, it was designed to break the monotony of traditional presentation tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint.

It was founded by three Hungarian programmers very recently in 2009. Its usage targets all kinds of individuals in different professions such as such as teachers students and business executives. It was discovered that audiences are much more likely to pay attention to your presentation if it was more interactive.

Its application is quite easy to understand. The first step is logging in to their online accounts. The new users will have to sign up for new accounts. They will further be required to select an account option either free or a paid account. Getting started is easily illustrated by simple step by step instructional videos available on you tube. This way the new users can get to be quickly familiarized with the basics.

Getting down to the nifty gritty of design elements, one will notice an array of different template designs available at your disposal. These are only meant to serve as a guiding principle on the overall outlook of your final design. They serve to provide a basis of interaction between your text, colors and objects orientation. The 2-D and 3-D features popular with it are also determined by the choice of template design.

The template will only go as far as providing a framework for you to work on. The details of your presentation and the sequence will entirely depend on your ideas. An easy way to work around this is by starting with your major points. Once this is established, you can then go ahead and add filler content (which are basically details further illustrating your key points).

Key to its evolution is the ability to stand out as a dynamic, non linear tool to expressing ones ideas. This serves to breathe life to an otherwise boring conventional slide approach. The other crucial factor is that it is an open source software available to anybody with access to the internet.

The older generations are however more conservative and prefer to stick to the animal they are more familiar with. This is not surprising judging by the amount of effort, although slight, that is required to gain an understanding of its means of operation. Prezi being web based can in some ways also hinder access say to individuals who may not necessarily have a reliable internet connection. Audiences have also complained of experiencing dizzy spells when exposed to quick moving 3-D illustrations.

In summary, this is a vital tool that if properly understood and embraced can change the way information is relayed to people. The learning curve should not be a hindrance in discovering and unlocking its potential

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