Top Reasons Why Companies Need Active Directory Password Reminder

By Freida Michael

Without the power that the digital age has brought, we may not be experiencing the speed and comfort that we have when it comes to relaying information. Its because of the speed offered by this avenue that individuals and the corporate world can already function with more efficiency and can deliver the demands of their market.

It does not matter what kind of business someone is in. As long as they use the online portal to conduct their transaction, they will need to stay safe and make sure that the information they provide on the avenue will not be stolen. Active directory password reminder is a simple and efficient means of adding more protection to different company related data in a more individual level.

This system does one simple thing, to remind workers of the need to change their access information at a specified time. We might not have thought about it before. But part of staying safe is to make sure that the passwords that we use are not compromised. It can be hard to check this matter. As such, the better option will be to take the initiative and change it every now and then. Below are some more things that it does.

It sends prompt reminders about upcoming password expiration. With all the things that we have to take care of at work, it is easy to forget about this simple thing pertaining to the changing of password. This is something that is addressed by the system. It will automatically send an email or text to everyone once the set date for the necessary date comes close. They will have to change it if they want to continue accessing the information that they need.

Notifying administrators of the expiration dates. Even before the individual reminders are sent, those who are in high positions such as department heads will already receive an email about this. The notice will serve as their own reminder to tell their members about it.

It gives summary of reports. This feature is highly convenient for those who are monitoring the information flow inside a company. After sending out individual reminders, admin staff will receive a report on who received it. This way, they can easily find out who needs more reminders.

It allows customization of text or email message content. There is an available default format for it. But other than that, the admin staff will also have the freewill to add other messages that they deem necessary. By programming it ahead of time, all of the recipients will be aware of the additional information that they have to consider.

Customizing the instructions on how to create passwords based on company policies. Anyone can create their own passwords. But for company reasons, they can create a standard on how to make it. For instance, they can demand for the workers to do a combination of letters, numbers and symbols on it. All of these instructions can be programmed ahead.

Do not wait for anything compromising to happen to the data that your company is protecting. Do something now and make sure that you have all of the necessities covered. If you have not yet tried running this system before, then now might be that right moment.

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