Only Use Barcode Inventory Management Software From Reputable Vendors

By Bernadette Martin

Having a large business or company can cause many problems especially if the tracking systems are not performing as they should. With barcode inventory management software one will be able to keep track of all sales as well as deliveries. Using this method will ensure that there will not be any overstocking or outages ensuring the business will run at a profit and not a loss.

This system can be used by any Business Owner, Sales Manager, Warehouse Manager as well as the Warehouse Worker. The Software comes in different versions such as the Standard, Professional and Enterprise. This will ensure that at least one version will fit the business based on what one might need.

HandiFox is mobile software that helps to keep track of your goods as well as sales for any small business. The software itself also should feature a barcode scan option, as well as creates and receives purchase orders, shipment verification and automates the actual counting. The Sales automation features are processing of payments, capturing the customer's signatures, as well as all sales transactions on a mobile device.

When it comes to the management reports the standard can handle about sixty and the others eighty and above. For the update process in real time itself, it is better to take the Professional and Enterprise version as the Standard does not have this feature. The same goes for the PC network support.

They give a full day conference a few times during the year showing people how to succeed. During this event one will enjoy a breakfast with coffee and lunch and an executive briefing will be given from top companies and supply chain leaders. They will feature the latest software's as well as mobile tables and computers.

When using the barcode labelling software this makes it much easier to design one's own shipping labels as well as having already over one hundred pre-designed templates at one's finger tips. Each version also comes with an alert, which will notify the correct person when the levels become low or any expiring items are still on the shelves. For those past due check out items a notification will also be given.

With the use of mobile computers one is able to do inventory immediately and not have to bring the information back to the personal computer. It allows one to remove, add or do quick counts within a few minutes. One is also able to track everything by location as well as site, date and serial number. This makes the whole procedure a whole lot easier for all involved.

The Datalogic Power Scan 7000 has a range of three metres as well as a wide angle code reading. It is very easy to use and is versatile. It has a very high speed and can read up to three hundred and ninety scans per second. This is considered to be the fastest industrial scanner there is. It offers two multi-interface combinations. The first is the Standard and includes the RS-232 Keyboard Wedge and USB and the second includes the RS-232, IBM46xx as well as a USB. Another feature that many find very appealing is that it has a drop resistance of two meters.

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