Active Directory Password Reminder And Safety Of Information

By Katina Brady

If you are someone who works in the technical department and is in charge of monitoring the status of every log in details of the clients in your company, you will understand how challenging it could be. Monitoring a huge number of users is one. Making sure that their log ins work is another thing.

One of the information managed by a business is the personal data of its employees. As their employer, the business has a professional responsibility to ensure that none of their information is leaked outside the business premise. Several mechanisms are devised to facilitate this. One of them is the active directory password reminder.

Certain commands can be inputted on the system so that it will automatically remind the person of the need to change his pw. Sadly there are those who don't mind those notifications and go ahead with their work not minding about the importance of the change. If you are someone guilty of ignoring these notifications, then you shouldn't be surprised if you see them again and again.

The system administrators have the power to indicate how many times are you supposed to receive the message to make sure that you do't forget. They can also send it both by your email or through your mobile number. The reminders will only stop once you have registered a new one.

The notifications will also not be received by everyone at once. Schedules can be different for different departments or for different positions. For instance, the admin can schedule those who are heads of their departments to have the same day of notification sending. Their members can receive it some other time.

Theres a lot of money to the classified info found on the company's database. When these data are sold out to the wrong hands, the business can suffer great losses. This is why companies invest thousands even millions of money to make sure that their information is well protected. Otherwise, the damage can be priceless.

Prior to the creation of this mechanism, it has been proven that passwords can easily be stolen if enough time is given. This is what company's are trying to avoid. And since verbal announcement of the need to change the details seemed not to be working, then a system has to be established to force it to the employees. And frankly, what is wrong with spending three minutes to change to a new one. If it can do a lot to secure your data, then its definitely worth it.

You cannot just underestimate what breach to company data can mean to you on a personal level. As part of the company, you have your own personal information recorded on its directory. Meaning, you are not exempted to the risk. The best way you can do to contribute to your personal and to the overall safety of the company is to adhere with the established rules and regulations.

Be responsible with your data and work along with the admin. If you are used to ignoring those minor reminders on the need to change your password, now is the time to break the habit. Don't wait for something compromising to happen before you act.

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