Excel Templates For Entrepreneurs Can Guarantee Numerical Accuracy

By Janet Schmidt

Staying on top of the numbers can be a challenge for any businessperson, even for those with a degree in accounting or business. Sometimes there is no time to go over things a third time or do extensive research to find the missing figure. When a person is starting out, they may not have the time to properly set up their office suite or the funds to pay for it. The good news is there are many options, like using excel templates for entrepreneurs who are too busy to create spreadsheet formulas.

For those who take the time to count physical inventory, this is the first area in need of a spreadsheet that can be accessed on any device. Dated software cannot be viewed on smartphones or tablets and there may come a moment when being able to retrieve accurate information is crucial to making a deal. While some opportunities may seem like an instant win, not having enough inventory can determine whether the owner may take a loss.

Believe it or not, many small businesses are not set up for immediate growth or have an alternate plan for handling large jobs. Even low or no cost startups, like professional bloggers, may take a hit on a lengthy guest writing job they were not paid for. Keeping a personal spreadsheet handy can track the milestone payments that should have been in place before starting the assignment.

Using a spreadsheet can also be of benefit to those that have a partnership as well as the sole proprietors. While one person may be assigned to handle numbers solely, the other partner can have a sense of security by being able to access the data and comment on areas in question. Even if a cell is locked, viewing access to other partners or employees can be granted by the administrator.

Although this step is easy for most to do, not every business has the same needs. Retail markups, commissions to be paid to employees or contractors, and payroll require a different type of calculation. Templates can eliminate some of the labor with drag and drop features that are ready to install with a simple mouse click.

For instance, an independent designer may want to leave some samples with another party for an event that will lead to more sales. However, they are currently away from the office or the location where their samples are kept. By having this information on a spreadsheet, they can confirm their next move without having to travel to a physical location.

Those who deal with digital goods will find there are many third party merchants that use spreadsheets to calculate fees, commissions, and sales. This system can make it easy for everyone who is responsible for maintaining inventory, as they can easily see which products are the better sellers. Even if things are going well, the person in charge of marketing duties may be able to look at demographic information to create their next promotional campaign.

The best way to ensure success is to be organized. Although some may have their strengths, having a foolproof system makes sold growth easier. This is why many entrepreneurs choose office automation software before getting their official start.

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