The Right With A TV Power Supply

By Brian Snyder

For the majority of its time on this planet, upwards of ninety percent if broken down, human society existed as nomadic hunter gatherers. These early tribes moved from place to place, foraging for food and other resources. Eventually though, these tribes settled down. Now, they settled down near bodies of water, because the crops they were growing and the livestock they were raising needed water, as did their own bodies. Some of these early settlements would be the seeds from which the great civilizations of antiquity sprouted. Of course, society evolved as it is wont to do, and these civilizations were eventually supplanted by modern nation states. Of course, to build these nation states required the use of tools and machines. Now, these machines need an energy source, like a TV Power Supply.

A TV is a device. It has one purpose and that would be to convey visual media. It does create that visual media by itself. It is merely a means by which media can be delivered to a customer base.

The reason that devices need a power source is simple. Because it has no internal means of generating its own energy. Without that energy, they are unable to work at their best, that is if they work at all. So there has to be an outside source to provide that energy.

Locating that power source should not be too hard. After all, most houses are built with them already installed. So the only difficult thing will be to actually find them, as in finding their physical locations.

Of course, money will have to be an issue. Money does not travel into a private residence of its own accord. It has to be delivered there, mostly by a company. Now, that company is going to expect some form of compensation for doing this. Which means there has to be a payment, which can happen every month.

Safety must be a primary concern for everyone. No one wants their electrical socket burning down their house. So metal and liquids of all kinds have to be kept away from it. The last thing anyone wants is a short circuiting and then a subsequent fire.

People watch television program for one good reason. Because they want to be entertained, and television is the most consistent way to achieve that. So many of them all over the world will sit down in front of one and then pick up the remote to find their favorite show, or at least one that everyone can agree on.

The source should be consistent. No one wants to have their show cut off because the electricity went out. Unfortunately, that consistency cannot be controlled.

Society runs on machines. Those machines are controlled by people. Luckily, people have the means to control them to keep society functioning.

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