The Many Health Benefits Of A Sit Stand Workstation

By Maria Wood

Compared to the last few decades, people seem to have a higher amount of health issues to deal with. This is contributed largely in part to a greater time being spent in the seated position rather than standing or moving. To help boost the health and well-being of their employees, many offices are switching to providing them with a sit stand workstation.

Traditionally, offices provided employees with a standard desk with a set height, and a chair that was adjustable. Some also provide them with ergonomic tools like a foot rest, and lumbar and wrist supports, but they still remain seated for hours. It is the sedentary position that often leads to issues with one's bones, heart, and muscles.

Then there are offices that take things to the polar extreme with having only standing desk as a means to beat the sedentary situation. They try to ease the situation by providing employees with cushioned mats, stools, and even treadmills, as ergonomic support. The problem is that standing for extended hours can also take its toll on a body by straining the lower back, knees, and hips.

On the average, a person is at work for around eight hours a day, so it may seem that finding a solution is impossible. If they stay seated at a desk for this whole time, they run the risk of possible heart conditions and poor circulation, but standing those hours is working to lower bone and muscle strength. There needs to be a balance which helps decrease the negative impact of both extremes.

The answer to these problems is to do everything in moderation instead of insisting on one extreme or the other. The key is to combine sitting and standing so that circulation and musculoskeletal issues are not able to fully manifest. Adjustable desktops go from traditional height to a full upright position simply by pushing a button, pressing a lever, or turning a crank.

Through various studies, it has been found that the best results come by adding a minimum of 10 minutes of standing for every 20 to 30 minutes that one spends sitting. But, it should be noted that standing alone is not effective enough. It is incredibly important that at least 2 minutes in each 10 be devoted to moving around in order to encourage the best circulation throughout one's body.

Many people have the common misconception that they are not really moving if they are not exercising vigorously. In all honesty, even minimal actions like going outside for a breath of fresh air, stepping in place, and just walking to get a drink of water, constitute movement. The body and heart will receive ample blood flow through circulation as long as the muscles are being worked.

A huge part of a person's life is spent in the seated position. Whether they are at home and watching television, driving or riding in the car, or at work, time in this position can adversely affect many areas of their health. The risks can be minimized by making a point to change to a standing position periodically and to add movement to improve circulation and exercise bones and muscles.

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