An Introduction To The Basics In MS Excel Programming

By Dorothy Nelson

Excel is a popular and highly useful spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft, thirty years ago. Since it was first created and launched, it has gone through a vast number of updates and changes into the program people know now. Even though it has been around for a long time now, it continues to be the most widely used software for this specific purpose.

Through this, men and women are able to create spreadsheets and format them in any way they want. Furthermore, compiling them into workbooks and building models for data analysis has been made much more convenient and easier. Discover the basic functions of MS Excel Programming, which you can find in the following paragraphs below.

Begin by turning on your personal computer and clicking it open via the shortcut in the desktop. If it is not there, simply open your program files folder and select it from there. Once it has loaded, use the new file button to create a new file that loads up to a new workbook.

Once you have created a new workbook, start by going through all the tabs and features it has. These tabs often drop down to even more options and tools that a person can use when doing some work. While it is understandable that you will not easily remember all these, it is still vital that you familiarize and understand the basic function of each one.

Much like other programs, this makes use of a certain language or labels for each tool. By reading up and learning these labels, you will better understand how it works. A basic label is called the cell and this highlights each box you see below where information is typed in. The rows on top are labeled by numbers, while letters are used to label the columns on the left side of the screen.

You will notice three sheet types found below at the near bottom portion. These are the three default work sheets the program automatically gives you. However, there is an option on its right side that lets you add more, according to your preference or how much is needed.

Moreover, some users find it a necessity to label each cell for their reference. You can try doing this yourself by right clicking on one and selecting the rename function. Simply type in the label you would like to use to give it a more personalized touch. This also makes it easier for the person reading your output to determine what kind of data has been placed there.

After a few minutes of work, remember to save it properly. The save button is at the upper right portion and clicking it allows you to pick which folder you want to put it in. Furthermore, you have to type the file name you want or else it will be named the default label it has.

A useful tip when using it is to constantly save your progress. By doing so, you prevent the possibility of losing some important data you placed in. Furthermore, you can also turn on the auto save feature, in case it crashes or your computer malfunctions halfway through.

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