2017 Gaming News Long Island Advertising Agencies Should Focus On

By Arthur Williams

Gaming is one of the most popular hobbies and it received plenty from 2016. Titles like Uncharted 4 and Overwatch became massive hits, and the attention that was drawn to the NES Classic Edition proved that nostalgic media is alive and well. Now that we in a brand new year, however, one has to wonder which stories will be the most eventful. Here are just a few that should be observed by Long Island advertising agencies.

When discussing gaming events to come in 2017, the release of the Nintendo Switch will be one of the biggest topics. After all, it's become quite the talking point for Nintendo among gamers and the press alike. The Wii U didn't exactly meet expectations in the eyes of many, so one can make the argument that the Switch will try to turn things around. The apparent focus on more intense games speaks to this. When the Switch is released in March, it'll be interesting to see how people react.

There will be many gaming conventions and trade shows as well, but none as big as E3. This has been a yearly event since 1995, according to the likes of fishbat, and is open to those in the video game industry. What this means is that if you're a journalist, developer, or what have you, it's likely that you can attend. The events from E3 will be covered and the news will be consumed by many a Long Island advertising agency.

When rounding out gaming news in 2017, the video games themselves must be covered. There are many titles to be excited for, ranging from independent titles like "Yooka-Laylee" to the triple-A titles like "Resident Evil 7." The titles in question will certainly appeal to a number of tastes, garnering sales in the process. The video games will be the focus of this industry, as they should be, and there will be plenty for gamers to sink their teeth into.

Gaming is one of my favorite hobbies, as is the case with many people. It's a hobby that has not only made its way into our homes, but remained there due to a number of advancements. While these stories in 2017 are deserving of the attention they'll receive, there are many others that haven't even been touched upon in this video. Perhaps the best way to learn about the developments in question is by experiencing them for ourselves.

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