Protect Your Environment- Recycling Cartridges

By Armando Rodriguez

After several uses every toner cartridge comes to end i.e. it gets empty, and then people consider it useless and dispose it in the nearby dumping area. According to studies there are a lot of cartridges found in the dumping sites every year, the numbers may be in millions. Major part of waste effluents of several countries consists of the cartridges that are thrown out every year.

Throwing of printing cartridges ideally in the dumping ground causes lots of problems. It harms the environment is several ways. It takes thousands of years for a cartridge to get decompose, as it contains industrial polymers. It is harmful for the soil as well as the insects or worms leaving underground.

Waste material disposal is a matter of concern for everyone. One of the most traditional methods used to dispose the waste is dumping. Dumping simply means collecting all the waste materials in a big pit made in the ground. Though dumping is an effective method, it is also a cause of lot of pollution too. The substance in the pit is found to emit greenhouse gases, cause water pollution and also cause diseases. Recycling printer cartridges reduces some of the waste materials and prevents landfilling of the wastes.

As there are a lot of used cartridges found in the landfills, it adds extra pressure on the environment. Recycling cartridges encourages people to use the same cartridges again instead of dumping them into the landfills and also prevents them from buying the new ones. Recycling printing cartridges can have a lot of positive effects on the environment.

Recycling cartridges also reduces the pressure of decomposition on the environment. The decomposition is a very slow process. The cartridges are made of several constituents like plastics, which are made from combining number of polymers. The polymers also have carbon atoms that hold them together. The carbon atoms hold the polymers strongly, as results it becomes difficult to convert them into smaller particles for decomposition.

It takes thousands of years for the cartridges to decompose. Moreover the ink left in the cartridges seep into the underground water table and pollute it. Encouraging printer cartridges recycling reduces the need of decomposition and also its effect; also the cartridges will be used more.

Used cartridges are one of the major causes of the pollution. Recycling cartridges also prevent land, water and air pollution. Excluding the cartridges form the waste materials prevents a lot of health and environmental hazards.

The recycled cartridges are easy available in the market. The processing cost of the recycled toner cartridges is low. Therefore the cost of the recycled cartridges is also very less compared to the new ones. The recycled cartridges also provide you with the same quality and durability as the new one. Also if you have empty cartridges at home, then you can get money in return of your used cartridge by the companies that buy use cartridges to recycle them.

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