How To Perform Active Directory Password Reset

By Zelma Hurley

Businesses nowadays have become reliant on computers. Most of the tasks that the employees need to perform are done on the computer. As it is, employees are get their own work station to make out possible for them to perform the tasks that they have to get done every time.

Since most of the data that are being handled and processed in these work stations are sensitive ones, it is important that they get protected by some passcode. There are instances though that one might forget the log in information. It is during times like these when Active Directory Password Reset can help.

Issues like these are often being handled by technician that the company has employed. There are specific hep desk centers in the premises that employees have to call and refer to every time an issue like this pops up. Part of their routine is to ensure that no employee is locked out of his work station.

This is not always ideal for businesses to rely on these help desks every time reset on pass codes have to be done. The technicians often have to create tickets when sovereign the issue. This is why it would take them almost twenty-fours hours to have the new log on details to take effect.

This is also the reason that most establishments are trying to find new solutions that would address these issues better as faster to. The right solution takes a short time to take effect, this means that within minutes, the issues is fixed, then downtime is avoided, as well as productivity loss.

Firms should aim at making it possible for their employees to reset their passwords through self service methods. This is done through using the windows active directory. This would mean that they do not need to call the helpdesk. No ticket is necessary. Reset is done at a shorter time.

It has been found out the many of the technical issues that employees tend to send to help desk involved resetting passwords. Losing their login information often constitutes majority of the work that the technicians have to attend to. With a self-help option though, these numbers can be significantly reduced.

Resetting the login details should be easier if one is using the Windows operating system. All that needs to be done is press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys. This will help bring up the active directory option, there should be a choice there in the list that allows one to change the password. This should address the issue.

In the event of domain users who got locked out of the computer, a different option may be available for them. For instance, they may be asked to provide answers to certain validation questions. This ensures that them and only them can be allowed to log in on the computer since they are the ones who know the right answers.

Tools like these are available either paid or free. If you want to get the ones with better features, the paid solutions would be ideal. Just test them out though, get a free trial if you must to assess if it is indeed the right solution for you.

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