Active Directory Password Reminder And The Need For More Secure Access

By Janine Hughes

Sometimes we take information security too lightly that we end up being sorry when data is already stolen. Data theft has long been a big issue in the digital age. With businesses going online and with more company information being provided in the internet, the demand for more protection is bigger.

This is the reason why modern systems are devised to address the threat of security. The active directory password reminder is one of these methods. They are sent out to all the employees of the company from time to time when bulk account reset is done. With this, everyone will have the chance to create new passwords that are stronger than the last ones.

Despite the effectiveness of this method though, there remains a significant number of workers who take it for granted. Rather than change their passwords, they continue working on their old ones. Sooner they realize that they can no longer access several documents. This is the same time when they start complaining, not knowing that they were given the chance to create new ones.

Do not be alarmed when you encounter emails, officially circulated within your company asking you to change your access information. They are all part of the drill. This is done to maintain maximum security within for your company data. Once you are asked to change your password, take time to consider these important reminders.

Make it difficult. The more complicated it is, the better. Complicated though does not mean that it should be difficult even for you to remember. Combine text with numbers and symbols. Make it mean something for your so you can easily remember it.

Follow the eight character minimum rule. Make a password that contains at least eight characters using combinations. This is the best way to qualify for a strong log in access. Shorter than that and it will be easier to hack. There are many characters, numbers and symbols that you can utilize. Surely, they are not only good to an eight character combination.

Create one that is different from your previous passwords. As much as possible, your new access should not be the same with anything that you have used before. Create an entirely new one. Using an old one still has it risks considering that it has bee used in accessing information before.

Absolutely no dictionary words. This could potentially be the easiest things to hack. No matter how unusual a word sounds, if it is in a dictionary, then never mind. Hackers will surely know it as well. Explore your creativity and make your own word. As mentioned, combinations are your best bet. Stick with it.

Be prepared and protect your personal details well. Cooperate in the system implemented by your company to maintain the level of security. Remember that anyone is at risk. Be responsible by doing what you can on your end.

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