Understanding Cisco CCNP Training In A Nutshell

By Claudine Hodges

In today's digital era, the operations of both major corporations and small-scale entrepreneurs rely largely on virtual networking. Remote communication of people located distantly from one another has become easier. The transfer of data has become faster, too. Not to mention the enhanced security offered by digital solutions.

To be able to achieve the ideal network, skilled people are needed to install and maintain every component. Of course, investors are extremely careful in entrusting such a crucial task to anyone. They would only let a specialist who is qualified enough take the job. For this task, no one else comes close to someone certified in Cisco CCNP training.

In this training program, the Cisco Certified Network Professional learns how to plan, administer and troubleshoot wide and local area network connections. Depending on the business needs, the professional may also work with specialists for wireless, voice, security and video solutions. As such, the learners are trained to handle comlex situations. Since not everyone is a good candidate for the program, certain qualifying requirements are needed for eligibility.

The module is a mixture of multiple approach to provide holistic learning to the participants. Instructor-led activities, hands-on exercises and virtual courses consist the curriculum. There are simulation exercises as well so the learners are exposed to the real nature of the job. Above all, trainees are handed references in preparation for the exams and for any future use during practical application.

At the end of the sessions, participants are expected to install, configure and operate the components of a small to medium-sized networks. Troubleshooting skills are also harnessed in preparation for any potential issues that may arise.

Depending on one's chosen field, there are many different areas of instruction offered in the training. Among the most common and sought-after courses are IP routing, switched networks, threat control solution, mobility solutions and unified communications applications to name a few. The best thing is that these courses provide job-role-based certification. This means that every participant is ready and fit for the job that awaits them.

This certification program is definitely ideal for professionals who want to optimize their fundamental knowledge about enterprise networking. Not only is the program effective, but it also provides the learners an enriching opportunity.

As such, trainees can expect significant improvements in their career after they completed the course. In fact, Fortune 500 companies only hire certified network specialist. Let alone the 9 per cent difference in the premium pay of certified technicians compared to those who are not. If you are certified in both associate and professional level, expect the salary to get even higher.

The program offers enticing benefits, indeed. Getting a certification is a good thing for sure. Of course, you must bear in mind that the knowledge you earned will also depend on the institution where you took the program. Hence, you have to be extra careful in making your selection. If anything, you should look for a provider who is willing to assist you until the end. After all, the results of the certification exams can prove the effectiveness of their program.

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