3 Types Of Malware Outlined By Whistleblowers Against Fraud

By Bob Oliver

Malware is one of the biggest issues one can encounter while on the Internet. A combination of the words "malicious" and "software," malware can best be defined as a type of harmful software that can enter your computer before making just as harmful changes to your previously-clean system. This is a type of issue that Whistleblowers Against Fraud will be able to tell you about. In order to better understand malware, as a whole, here are 3 of the most prominent types to consider.

One of the many types of malware that Whistleblowers Against Fraud can tell you about is adware. The general definition of adware is a software package that is utilized to bring sporadic ads up when users do not expect them. At worst, the ads in question can wind up being quite obstructive, which is a point that authorities like WAF will be able to agree with. When you see one ad after another, without seemingly any end in sight, adware is working to its full effect.

Unprotected computers may also be at risk of suffering from a Trojan horse. When it comes to the various types of malware out there, Trojan horses are ones which actually give criminals access to computers without the permission of their owners. As you can imagine, this can lead to a number of bigger problems down the road, including - but not limited to - identity theft. Who's to say that other types of malware cannot enter these computers as a result of Trojan horses as well?

When talking about malware, it would be unwise to go on without talking about computer worms. Even though a worm may start off simple enough, the main characteristic of said worm is replication, which will allow it to grow and create even bigger problems for your computer. These are able to target your computer in a ways, whether it is through older programs without much protection or what have you. Like the previous examples of malware, computer worms must be handled in a timely fashion.

Keep in mind that there are other types of malware that can be gone over in detail. These are simply the ones that, in my view, are the most common and those which people talk about at length. It's clear that these are problematic but one of the ways in which these can be avoided is to simply stay wary of the websites that you log onto. It's also in your best interest to have antivirus software - AVG is a great example - so that you can be alerted of harmful websites beforehand.

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